Haber-Bosch process ( Haber ammonia process, synthetic ammonia process): First economically feasible method of directly synthesizing ammonia from hydrogen gas and atmospheric nitrogen. 哈伯-博施法(亦称哈伯制氨法或合成氨法):用氢和空气中氮直接合成氨的方法。
Ammonia is one of the most basic chemical raw materials in the world. Industrially, the production of nitrogenous fertilizer and the synthesis of organonitrogen compounds fundamentally depend on their nitrogen source on NH3 produced by Haber-Bosch process. 氨是最基本的化工原料之一,工业上氮肥的生产和更进一步的含氮化合物的合成都是以氨为起始原料,因此合成氨工业在国民经济中占有十分重要的地位。